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Ham­merk­ing Rollers

Tai­lored roller fab­ri­ca­tion ensures your busi­ness runs at opti­mum effi­ciency. We cre­ate the unique pro­duc­tions solu­tions for busi­nesses of all sizes around the world.

What­ever the roller appli­ca­tion or scale of the project, Ham­merk­ing has the skills, processes, equip­ment and expe­ri­ence to deliver on time, every time. Our com­pany has spe­cialised in the for­mu­la­tion and devel­op­ment of polyurethane rollers and rub­ber rollers for over 30  years.


Ham­merk­ing is a man­u­fac­turer of both new and recov­ered rub­ber rollers and polyurethane rollers for a vari­ety of indus­tries. These include print­ing, steel pro­cess­ing, paper and plas­tics, con­veyor equip­ment, lam­i­nat­ing and a broad range of other indus­trial applications.


Stan­dard and cus­tom roller solu­tions are avail­able. New processes and mate­ri­als are con­stantly being developed.


Whether sup­ply­ing new rollers or regrind­ing and recov­er­ing exist­ing units, the Ham­merk­ing ser­vice, sales, devel­op­ment and man­u­fac­tur­ing team can meet all your roller needs.


In addi­tion to this, we also pro­duce a wide range of cus­tom moulded polyurethane com­po­nents for the industry.

Rollers for Industry

Ser­vice, fab­ri­ca­tion and sup­ply of both Rub­ber and Polyurethane Rollers with many cus­tom roller solutions

Rollers for Pack­ag­ing & Print­ing

Ham­merk­ing Rollers Sup­ply, man­u­fac­ture and ser­vice a diverse range of rollers for Print and packaging indus­tries

Spe­cialised Rollers

Due to con­stant R and D Ham­merk­ing Sup­ply a wide
range of spe­cialty rollers often unavail­able elsewhere.

Moulded Com­po­nents and other services

• Polyurethane parts and prod­ucts made to order
• Small to large Cast­ings (one-off to high Vol­ume)
• Addi­tional prod­ucts and services

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